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Photo du rédacteurPhilbert Corbrejaud

The Alignment of the Planets for Sustainable Transformation.

Dernière mise à jour : 28 sept.

This article was written as a doctor, researcher, and author for the International Conference of the University of Economics & Business, Vietnam National University Hanoi on the dual digital and ecological transformation:


In a constantly evolving world, the sustainable transformation of individuals and companies has never been more crucial. This article explores the essential steps to promote harmonious and sustainable development, particularly for the transition to the digital and green economy. Guided by the expertise of Philbert Corbrejaud, a pioneer in individual and collective transformation, this article presents an innovative model for talent alignment to maximize each person's potential. Based on a proven methodology and concrete examples, it offers practical solutions to reveal and cultivate latent talents, creating an environment conducive to personal and professional fulfillment.

We must ask ourselves two fundamental questions: How to help students find their professional path? How to sustainably grow workers after the school curriculum?

For students, the answer lies in a school education adapted to their abilities, provided by teachers who are constantly striving to improve. This approach is perfectly illustrated by this conference organized by the University of Economics & Business, Vietnam National University Hanoi. For workers, it is about offering them continuous professional education, adapted to their uniqueness, provided by competent and committed professionals. Mentoring, still too little known in the professional environment, plays a key role in this process by enabling the essential transfer of know-how for sustainable growth after their school curriculum. However, this transferred know-how cannot be properly cultivated without a fertile and prepared ground. And this is precisely the goal of the alignment of the planets.


To promote sustainable transformation in individuals, I recommend valuing their uniqueness by following a specific itinerary that aligns five planets: Potential, Passion, Professionalism, Project, and Perfection. This itinerary, detailed in the book “Liberate your Talents”, begins with discovering the first planet: Potential.

Planet “Potential”: Discover your potential before choosing your professional path.

From an early age, our parents, teachers, and society impose two major dictates: obtain a diploma and climb the hierarchical ladder to gain recognition. This reductionist vision overlooks our individuality. To achieve professional fulfillment, each person must explore their potential or "latent talents." Although French companies incorporate the notion of talent into their human resources strategies, this approach often remains elitist, primarily targeting managers and high potentials while neglecting the rest of the workforce. Talent management often focuses on performance levels and the ability to evolve.

Degrees are highly valued in our society and often form the foundation of our careers. However, it is essential to go beyond this perspective to discover and utilize our latent talents. The working world is evolving, and in increasingly uncertain environments, agility is key. Rigid and formulaic individuals may become a hindrance in the future. Companies will increasingly value individuals who can evolve, adapt, and engage others in new dynamics. Conducting a potential assessment is crucial for identifying not only our intellectual abilities but also our relational, emotional, and operational skills. This helps determine which professional activities best suit our personality, temperament, and values.

Psychometric tools, such as Wave Professional Styles, MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), the VIA survey, and Insights Discovery, are valuable for conducting potential assessments. They help identify our behavioral skills and enhance self-awareness. I regularly use a deck of cards featuring twelve key skills, which can be sorted into three categories according to their order of importance, allowing for an in-depth evaluation of our potential.

Once your latent talents are identified, it is crucial to determine whether your current job aligns with them. This approach is essential for achieving complete professional fulfillment. Knowing yourself well is the key to finding the role that truly suits you. Re-examining your career path and professional choices in light of your potential ensures that you do not miss out on the best of yourself.

My own professional journey illustrates this approach. At 40, after following a path that seemed predetermined, I discovered that my daily work was not aligned with my potential. It was only by conducting a potential assessment at 50 that I was able to reorient myself towards activities aligned with my talents, such as training and coaching. Psychometric tools highlighted my strengths and weaknesses, helping me overcome limiting beliefs and explore new opportunities.

Exploring and discovering one’s potential is an essential step toward professional fulfillment. It allows you to find a job that truly suits you, innovate with confidence, and undertake new projects. It is important to step out of your comfort zone, experiment, and seize opportunities. By adopting this approach, you can fully exploit your latent talents and achieve sustainable professional fulfillment.

Here is a telling case from my book “Liberate your Talents” that shows how often candidates' potential is overlooked in the recruitment process. Two young men, who have not yet had professional experience, want to advance in a commercial role within a car dealership. Their profiles differ: Sébastien holds a BTS (BTEC Higher National Diploma) in automotive commerce, while Kevin has obtained a CAP (youth training NVQ (National Vocational Qualification)) in automotive mechanics.

Now, let’s examine the results of the potential test:

For both of them, the specific ability to "close the sale" is rated 4/10. This is completely normal, as neither has any professional experience.

Let’s take a closer look at Sébastien's profile: he has a good aptitude for writing quotes and making follow-up phone calls to clients (skills central to his training), but he doesn't listen to his clients enough, which hinders the sales process.

Now, let's consider Kevin's profile: he lacks strong skills in writing quotes and making follow-up calls (these skills were not part of his training). However, he has a natural ability to listen to clients' needs and offer the appropriate solution.

What can we conclude? It will be easier for Kevin to evolve in a commercial role because relational skills are already an integral part of his personality. He is naturally inclined toward listening and communication. Conversely, it will be more challenging for Sébastien, as he will need to change his approach and develop new skills that he does not currently possess. This does not mean that Sébastien cannot work in a commercial role. However, it would be preferable, at least initially, for him to take on a role better suited to his personality, such as in sales administration.

You will notice that this decision completely contradicts what the recruiter might have concluded if they had only considered the diplomas of the two candidates. This is precisely why I always recommend a potential assessment during recruitment.

This example clearly reveals that each person's potential is based on several aspects: our personality, character, and values. These are all elements that must be considered when choosing a job or career. If you have a go-getter personality and seek a sedentary position, you will undoubtedly face difficulties in the long run. The same applies if you are an innovator and opt for an analyst position, or if you have strong equity values and work in a purely profit-driven company. The mismatch will eventually become apparent, and you will find it challenging to navigate this professional experience with ease. Knowing yourself well will help you find the right fit. Choosing a job that aligns with your potential will stimulate your adaptability, perseverance, and increase your self-confidence.

Harnessing your potential in the digital and green economy

In the context of digital challenges and the green economy, the "potential" planet takes on particular importance. Rapid technological transformations demand specific skills and an increasing ability to adapt. Identifying and developing your potential allows you to effectively address digital challenges by integrating skills such as creativity, resilience, and the ability to solve complex problems.

Moreover, the green economy requires talents capable of thinking and acting sustainably. Skills in environmental management, ecological innovation, and social responsibility are becoming increasingly crucial. Discovering your latent talents can reveal a sensitivity and ability to contribute positively to these issues, thus promoting a transition toward more environmentally friendly professional practices.

Therefore, the process of discovering and harnessing your potential is not only beneficial for personal fulfillment but also essential for meeting the contemporary needs of the digital and green economy. By investing in this exploration, you can not only enhance your career but also play an active role in building a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.

Briefly explore the four other planets

After exploring the "Potential" planet, I invite you to take a brief tour of the four other planets (Passion, Professionalism, Project, Perfection) to better understand and embrace the concept of planetary alignment.

  • Planet "Passion": Reconnect with your passion to harness your potential. 

Understanding and developing your passion is crucial for thriving at work. True passion, often stifled by social constraints, is essential for avoiding disengagement, dissatisfaction, and lack of employee involvement. Millennials, less attached to their employers than their parents were, prioritize jobs they are passionate about. 

To identify the causes of professional disengagement, tools like the Ishikawa diagram can be used to analyze problems according to five aspects (material, equipment, method, workforce, environment). Next, it is essential to discover your passion, for example, by using the Kairios tool or my methodology based on a deck of cards that helps identify your values and interests. This allows you to build a professional project aligned with your passion and compromises.

  • Planet "Professionalism": Develop your professionalism to strengthen your professional project. 

"Experience is a lantern attached to our backs, which only illuminates the path we've traveled." (Confucius)

Although professionalism ranks behind potential and passion, it remains important to conduct a skills assessment before developing a new professional project. This step helps identify and leverage your skills to better develop your potential and passion. It is recommended to list your skills and use the "5 Whys" method to understand why you may not be thriving in your current job. The answers will help you determine whether your professionalism aligns with your potential and passion to achieve excellence.

Many companies continue to prioritize prestigious degrees and professionalism, favoring ongoing training for qualified employees at the expense of those without diplomas. However, talents without degrees represent a true asset for the company and may possess unsuspected skills. When starting a new professional project, don't just inventory your skills—seek to align them with your potential and passion. While professionalism can be acquired, potential and passion cannot be decreed.

  • Planet "Project": Develop your professional project to move toward your ideal job.

It is better not to follow a path predefined by society, as your professional project should reflect your individuality and uniqueness. Many young graduates from top schools choose to abandon traditional careers to explore less conventional but more passion-aligned paths. To realize your dream, I recommend designing your project in line with your uniqueness, adopting the PACSE approach (Planned, Ambitious, Coherent, Sensible, Evaluative). 

Sometimes, there is a conflict between a young person's dream and their parents' ambitions. It is important to find a compromise so that the child does not stray too far from their dream too quickly. As long as they see that star shining in the distance, they will have the possibility of finding their way back when they become independent. Otherwise, finding their way back may sometimes be a difficult journey due to real obstacles, opportunities, and current events that shape their daily life.

By adopting the PACSE approach, you will value your hidden talents and discover unsuspected opportunities. This will allow you to unleash your potential and contribute significantly to your own fulfillment as well as that of your professional environment.

  • Planet "Perfection": Perfect yourself to succeed in your professional project.

In today's constantly evolving world, learning and perfection are two distinct and essential approaches to developing your skills and talents. While learning represents a general pedagogy that allows you to train, perfection, on the other hand, is a more personalized and targeted self-learning process that allows you to shape yourself.

Perfection relies on the application of the "Revelation Spiral" method, a structured approach in three successive steps: reading, experimentation, and deployment. This method is based on the results of the four previous planets of your professional journey. The first step of the Revelation Spiral is reading, which allows you to acquire new knowledge through relevant resources and ongoing monitoring. This involves consulting books, articles, and other documents related to your professional goals. This phase is crucial for identifying the skills and knowledge to be developed. Once new knowledge is acquired, it is essential to test it in practice. Experimentation involves applying this new information in concrete situations, preferably with a supportive and receptive environment. This allows you to verify the assimilation of knowledge and identify any necessary adjustments. The final step is deployment, which involves sharing and applying the validated knowledge within your work environment. This means disseminating these new skills within your team or organization and integrating them into your daily professional practices.

Adopting this method requires a learning discipline similar to that of an athlete in training. It involves discipline, regularity, and a constant desire to improve. Your talents are too precious to entrust to others, whether they be leaders, managers, or human resources professionals. Your talents are your responsibility, just like the education of your children and the management of your assets. By taking charge of your self-learning and perfection, you ensure that you maximize your potential and fully value your talents. Remember that your skills are your wealth, and it is up to you to cultivate and grow them.

Exploiting Your Passion, Professionalism, Project, and Perfection in the Digital and Green Economy

The importance of passion, professionalism, a well-conceived project, and continuous improvement in the realms of digital challenges and the green economy cannot be overstated. Digital transformation and the transition to a green economy require considerable energy and motivation, often fueled by a deep passion for innovation and sustainability. This passion helps overcome technical challenges and inspires creative solutions to complex problems.

At the same time, professionalism is crucial. Mastery of cutting-edge technologies and an understanding of sustainability principles demand a high level of skill and expertise, which, in turn, enhances the credibility of green and digital projects, attracting investments and strategic partnerships.

A well-conceived professional project aligned with sustainability and digital innovation objectives can make a significant difference. It not only helps one stand out in the job market but also contributes to crucial initiatives for the future of our planet.

Finally, continuous improvement is indispensable. Technologies and sustainable practices are rapidly evolving, and staying at the forefront requires a constant commitment to learning and adaptation.


According to studies by the reputable Gallup polling institute in 2017 and 2022, only 21% (2) of employees worldwide are engaged, a figure that drops to 6% in France, placing our country 27th in Europe, just ahead of Italy. With a little more effort, we could be last! What’s even more concerning is that this disengagement costs an average of €15,000 (3) per employee per year.

Two major causes contribute to this disengagement at work. The first is the growing gap between degree holders, who find motivating roles, and those with little or no qualifications, who must settle for positions with no prospects. The former choose, while the latter endure. The education system and managerial culture do not allow for the creation of a unique path tailored to each person's abilities. The real inequality lies not only in each individual's starting point but also in the unequal support provided to help them progress. Companies focus on identifying and supporting high potentials, often to the detriment of less visible, hidden, or emerging talents. Yet, latent talents represent 80% of the population compared to 20% for apparent talents in certain sectors! The second cause is the shift in values among the new generation, which overwhelmingly prioritizes personal well-being and environmental respect, leading to a lifestyle that withdraws from the world. Faced with these two major developments, most managers, trained with yesterday's tools, struggle to find and implement new solutions.

By analyzing the situation, it is clear that the managerial chain is not sufficiently resilient. It has many weak links. To analyze failures and propose immediately applicable solutions, it is essential to start at the top of the company: governance, management, human resources, and employees. Solutions to strengthen these weak links are covered in my article from The Huffington Post (4). Additionally, we have chosen to focus on a solution that is easily applicable to as many people as possible: corporate mentoring

Corporate mentoring, a practice rooted in the United States and Canada since the 1970s, has become an essential tool in Europe today for addressing the challenges of our evolving society. Mentoring is much more than just support; it is the sharing of skills, experiences, and wisdom, offering unique perspectives to aspiring professionals. Unlike coaching or consulting, mentoring is distinguished by its voluntary nature and deep benevolence. It is a commitment to guiding and enriching the careers of others.

In this journey, the mentor assumes multiple responsibilities: they share their knowledge, guide, inspire, and protect. This protective role is essential not only for the professional development of the mentee but also for their personal growth. The mentor creates a safe environment where the mentee can explore, make mistakes, and learn. This is often the case during the probation period or the first months of a new employee’s integration into the company !

The mentor, through their dedication and commitment to their mentee, embodies and transmits values of mutual respect, loyalty to professional and personal commitments, and a deep sense of duty. These values, in turn, foster strong commitment from mentees, who are promoted five times (5)  more often than those not participating in a mentoring program. The result is increased loyalty among those involved: 22% higher among mentees and 20% higher among mentors (5) compared to employees who did not participate in a mentoring program. Additionally, mentoring elevates the role of seniors responsible for helping juniors grow, which is particularly valuable given the increasing retirement age !

For those who wish to deepen their mentoring practice, I encourage you to explore the book “Liberate Your Talents, No One Will Do It for You!” published by Éditions Eyrolles (1). This book will provide you with essential tools to drive growth in your mentees and help you grow in your role as a professional mentor.

Rather than focusing solely on external recruitment, value the internal potential of your teams. Many employees possess untapped skills that, once revealed and developed, can significantly contribute to the success of the company.

Harnessing mentoring in the digital and green economy

In the context of digital challenges, corporate mentoring takes on a crucial role. By supporting employees in acquiring new technological skills, mentoring helps reduce the digital divide and ensures consistent skill development within the organization. This is especially important in an economy where innovation and mastery of digital tools are becoming key drivers of competitiveness. Mentors, often with extensive experience, provide an informed and strategic perspective on the use of technologies, helping mentees navigate a constantly evolving environment.

In the green economy, corporate mentoring plays a key role in raising awareness and training employees in sustainable practices. Mentors can guide employees in understanding and integrating environmental issues into their daily work. This involves promoting eco-responsible practices, optimizing resources, and reducing the company’s carbon footprint. By fostering a corporate culture focused on sustainability, mentoring helps align employees' personal and professional goals with the company’s green commitments, thereby strengthening their engagement and motivation.

In short, corporate mentoring proves to be a strategic and essential tool for addressing contemporary business challenges, whether in the realm of digital transformation or ecological transition.


The alignment of the five planets—Potential, Passion, Professionalism, Project, and Perfection—constitutes an integrated and holistic approach to sustainable transformation. By valuing each individual's uniqueness and fostering supportive mentorship, we can not only improve engagement and job satisfaction but also contribute to a more sustainable and technologically advanced future. The author reminds us that tapping into hidden talents is essential to addressing contemporary challenges, both digital and environmental. By adopting this approach, we have the opportunity to build rewarding careers and actively participate in creating a more balanced and resource-respecting society.

Philbert Corbrejaud

PhD in Business Coach & Management, University of California FCE,

Author of the book “Libérez vos Talents” published by Éditions Eyrolles.

(1) Book “Liberate your Talents” published by Éditions Eyrolles 

(3) BFMTV, September 2022   

(5) Mentoring instructions, Éditions Gereso 

(6) Articles and reflections available on the site 

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